Mon - Sun 09:30 - 10:00 / Call: +91 91722 83570

Thai Massage

Thai Massage in Malad Mumbai

Thai Massage

Picturing a massage might conjure up images of laying underneath a sheet with relaxing music playing in the background while a massage therapist gently rubs your back with nice smelling oils. While this is more-or-less true for many massage modalities, a Thai massage is completely different.

The Thai massage originated in Thailand, and many people describe as a mix between yoga and massage. It uses stretching and slow, rhythmic compression along the body’s energy lines, known as sens.

Thai massage therapists use many parts of their body - their thumbs, palms, elbows, and even feet and knees - to pull, press, and stretch the body. This is done to loosen the joints and relax the body. Also, it is said to unblock energy along the sen pathways.


Your Visit to Our Spa

If the idea of going to a spa makes you nervous, you're not alone. Many people have their first spa experience when they get a gift card to a day spa. Some people don't even use it because they're anxious about what will happen and the finer points of spa etiquette.

But you can relax—literally! The biggest area of concern is usually taking your clothes off for a massage. This shouldn't be a worry, because in India there are very strict protocols for draping during massage. Only the part of your body that is being worked on is exposed. The rest of it is covered with a sheet and blanket or sometimes a large towel. You can keep your clothes on for certain types of treatments such as Erotic Massage. And the truly shy can always get a facial or a spa manicure and pedicure.

And you don't have to worry too much about knowing what to do, because We will be there at every step to tell you where to go, what to do and what happens next privately.




Nature Thai Spa Malad

I will offer all the massage like Thai Massage, Sandwich Massage, Body to Body Massage, Four Hand Massage, Erotic Massage.



Nature Thai Spa Malad

We offer all our services in a very clean and hyginic spa enviornment. Just loose your stress on us and get relax.